Lester B. Pearson School Board Media Relations Guidelines
Media Contact
Members of the media interested in receiving news and announcements directly from the Lester B. Pearson School Board are invited to contact the board to register in order to receive announcements as they become available by sending an email to: dbecker@lbpsb.qc.ca
Specific media requests should be sent directly to Darren Becker – Director, Communications and Community Development at the Lester B. Pearson School Board: dbecker@lbpsb.qc.ca. Please specify the focus of your story, including if it is regarding a specific school or schools, a particular individual within our board, or broader board-wide issues.
All interviews/photographs and filming of videos at a board facility or of a staff member or student(s) must be arranged in advance so that the appropriate arrangements can be made.
Media must obtain permission from the board before arriving at any board facility or filming any images of those facilities, staff or students, other than as legally permitted.
Please note that the board’s Communications Department may provide such permission and by extension media are asked to refrain from contacting individual schools, staff or students directly.
Filming, photographing, or interviewing of students
Any media wishing to film, photograph or interview students from grades K through Secondary V, as well as students studying in Adult, Vocational, and Continuing Education on its premises, must obtain permission in advance from an appropriate board employee. Furthermore, media arriving at any board site to take photographs or film interviews must be accompanied by an employee at all times.
All related consent forms which may be required must also be signed in advance. Authorization for filming/interviewing of students and/or premises will cease once the approved filming or interview is over.
The board reserves the right to decline media requests for any reason.
Media Contact
Darren Becker
Director, Communications and Community Development Lester B. Pearson School Board
E: dbecker@lbpsb.qc.ca
T: 514.772.0122
Website Accessibility

Anyone navigating the LBPSB’s website recently may have noticed a new icon on the top right corner of the school board’s homepage. The Department of Communications and Community development is pleased to announce that the icon in question means our school board’s website is now accessible.
Simply put, this means individuals with different disabilities such as those who are visually or hearing impaired can now access all the information on the LBPSB’s website. For example, an accessible website does not rely on the mouse and makes all functionality available from a keyboard. This allows users with disabilities to use assistive technologies that mimic the keyboard, such as speech input.
In order to ensure everyone visiting our site enjoys the best experience possible, the school board ensured all documents and content including over 6,000 PDF’s, images and videos are accessible. For example, in the past, all PDF were not accessible for visually impaired users. By adding tags, descriptive information will now tell users what is on the page.
We believe this undertaking is in keeping with the LBPSB’s ongoing commitment to promoting Equity, Diversity, Dignity, and Inclusion and ensures a more inclusive environment for all of our community members.
Darren Becker
Director, Communications, Community Development