
The Lester B. Pearson School Board aims to facilitate accessibility to its educational programs by providing safe and reliable transportation services, taking into consideration the constraints of existing resources and Government regulations. Transportation will be provided, with respect to the Student Transportation Organizational Plan, for students residing at a distance, from school greater than stated below:

  • Kindergarten: 0.8 km
  • Elementary: 1.6 km
  • Secondary: 2.4 km


January 27 to February 7, 2025

Campagne de sécurité en transport scolaire

Transportation Plan

The Transportation Plan (also referred to as the Student Transportation Organizational Plan) is a document prepared by the board’s Transportation Services and identifies the availability of services offered to students.

The Transportation Plan contains:

  • School Hours / Busing Schedules
  • Transportation Zones
  • Summary of Attendance Zones


The Transportation Plan is reviewed on an annual basis, as it is dependent on funding regulations, which are usually provided by the Ministry of Education in March or April for the following school year. Once the financial parameters are known, the Administration develops the plan and it is reviewed by the Advisory Committee on Student Transportation before its adoption by the Council of Commissioners.

Click below to view the LBPSB Transportation Plan:

Transportation Zones

The territory of the Lester B. Pearson School Board is divided into several small geographical catchment areas known as attendance zones. The boundaries of these zones are identified in this document as “Summary of Attendance Zones”.

The creation of transportation zones is guided by these school attendance zones and is in accordance with the LBPSB Student Transportation Policy. Transportation zones indicate which students will receive school bus eligibility and which families will receive financial compensation for student use of public transportation to and from school in lieu of school busing.

Six (6) types of transportation services and/or entitlements will be offered during the 2024-2025 school year:

  • Free school bus for kindergarten to grade 6 students (“Yellow” service)
  • Free school bus for grades 7 and 8 only (“Green” service)
  • Free school bus for grades 7 to 11 (“Blue” service)
  • Free school bus for grandfathered students as denoted in The Transportation Zones document.
  • Parental allocation ($300 per school year, per child) for public transportation
  • Transportation for a fee.


Click below to view the LBPSB Transportation Zones:

Empty Seat Program

The “Empty Seat” Program offers a variety of services permitted under section 298 of the Act. There are 3 types of scenarios that are possible:

  • Empty seat – ‘courtesy’ service. The courtesy service is provided, if available, to students residing within the distances established under section 4.1 who would not normally be eligible for daily transportation (morning and afternoon).
  • Empty seat – ‘accommodation’ service. The accommodation service is provided, if available to students residing outside the transportation zones as established by the board under the plan and who would not normally be eligible for daily transportation (morning and afternoon).
  • Empty seat – ‘alternative address’ service. The alternative address service is provided, if available, to students requiring transportation to and from an address other than their residence.


It is important to note:

The “Empty Seat” Program service should not incur additional cost to the board.
These services may be reduced or canceled at any time if the number of eligible students on a given bus route increases and no more seats are available.
The cost for “Empty Seat” Program services is established by the board. Each year, parents must apply for these services by completing the prescribed form and forwarding the established payment. The board sets the procedure and collects the fee.
The school will assist the Transportation Service in establishing the use of the school bus and its available “empty seats”.
To verify address eligibility for bussing and/or to apply for “Empty Seat” bussing, click here.

Shared Responsibilities

The LBPSB considers the safety of each student to be of paramount importance and will take all reasonable precautions to ensure that transportation service is provided in as safe a manner as possible. It is therefore vital to determine the responsibilities of all parties involved.

The Parent/Guardian

Parents/guardians are responsible for their children’s welfare to and from the bus stop and while at the bus stop. They must inform their children of the safety rules. 

The Student
Students must respect transportation rules and regulations. They must understand that the bus driver is the authority on the bus, and they must take responsibility for their actions.

The School Bus Driver
The bus driver is responsible for the safety and security of all passengers. During the bus route, the driver is in charge.

The School Bus Contractor
The contractor is responsible for the execution of the contract under its terms.

The School’s Administrators and Teachers
School administrators and teachers are responsible during the arrival and departure of buses.

The School Board
The board’s Transportation Service is responsible for the daily operation of the school bus network at all levels, be it contractual or operational.

Related Information

Frequently Asked Questions

The Advisory Committee on Student Transportation is composed of:

  • The Director General or the Assistant Director General of the Board or delegate.
  • The person responsible for the student Transportation Services of the Board.
  • The principal of a school of the Board.
  • A representative of the Parents’ Committee of the Board.
  • Two school commissioners of the Board.
  • A representative of the STM, the public transit authority on the Island.
  • A representative of the CIT, the public transit authority off-island.

The Advisory Committee meets regularly and meetings are open to the public. This Committee provides input into the planning, coordination, financing and administration of the Board’s Student Transportation Organizational Plan.

The Student Transportation Organizational Plan (“The Plan”) is a document prepared by the Board’s Transportation Services. The Plan identifies the availability of services offered to students on any given upcoming school year.

The Plan contains:

  • School Hours / Busing Schedules;
  • Transportation Entitlement;
  • Transportation Zones;

The Plan is determined on an annual basis, as it is dependent on funding regulations that are usually provided by the Ministry of Education in March or April for the following school year. Once the financial parameters are known, Administration develops the Plan and it is reviewed by the Advisory Committee on Student Transportation before its adoption by the Council of Commissioners.

Our timeline for creating and adopting the Plan and advising communities of any changes for the coming year occurs between April and May. However, this timeline may be delayed due to the Ministère de l’Éducation (règles budgétaires).


The Government may, by regulation, establish the composition, mode of operation and functions of the Advisory Committee on Student Transportation.


Functions of the Advisory Committee on Student Transportation:

  • A committee shall give its opinion on each issue for which it must make a decision and on each issue submitted to it by the Board.
  • An opinion must be given within 15 days of a request, unless the Board grants the committee a longer period of time.
  • A committee shall give its opinion on the planning, coordination, financing and administration of student transportation.
  • A committee shall give its opinion on the Student Transportation Organization Plan of the Board and on the terms and conditions for the granting of contracts for the transportation of students, before the board adopts that plan or sets the terms and conditions for granting those contracts.
According to the same Regulation mentioned above, small grade school students and kindergarten children may sit three (3) to a seat. As a rule, two (2) children sit per benchs. Large buses are equipped with twelve (12) rows, two (2) benches on each side of the aisle, and hence twenty-four (24) benches. So, depending on the number of small children on any given bus the capacity will be from 48 students to a maximum of 72.

To ascertain your child’s transportation eligibility, please consult the following link – Transportation Eligibility. Students not eligible for school busing but desire to use a school bus must refer to the “Empty Seat” program via their Mozaïk Portal.

According to the Policy, the few “Empty Seats” remaining in the transportation system are made available to those not eligible. Parents must apply yearly since the amount of space can vary from year to year.

The fee is set by Council in accordance with Article 292 of the Education Act. Please consult the following link – Student Transportation Plan.

As per the Transportation Policy, bus stops are located at established intersections and not at or in front of residences.

You must consult your school and center for any change of address or address updates.

A student’s bus stop information is available on the Mozaik Parent Portal.

According to the Regulation respecting road vehicles used for the Transportation of school children (article 46,47,48), the aisle of the school bus must be clear at all times during student transportation. Since our buses are not equipped with self-contained storage compartments inside the bus, children are limited to two (2) small items (size of a school bag) that must be placed on their lap and/or between the legs of the child.

A school bag, a lunch box, a small instrument in its case or items of a similar size is permitted: Maximum 2 items per child. No projects, no sticks, no skateboards.

As a rule, students are requested to be at their respective bus stops 10 minutes before their regular scheduled pick-up time. This is to avoid delaying the pick-up of other students.
Parents must make sure that if they leave their child alone at a bus stop, he/she will be able to return home safely should need arise.

Bus services cancelled:  There may be instances when the transportation company is unable to provide a regularly scheduled bus service for a particular route. In these rare instances, the transportation company informs the transportation department, and the transportation company communicates the bus cancellation with parents via email.
During times of inclement weather, buses may be late due to traffic or may be unable to proceed on certain streets; bus routes may not be completed as planned. Delays and any cancellations will be posted Delays and any cancellations alerthere.

School closures: When there is a need to cancel or suspend transportation due to inclement weather, the bus companies inform the transportation department, and the administration of the Lester B. Pearson School Board communicates the suspension of services and school/system closure to all parents/staff by email. Ultimately, it is the administration of the LBPSB that decides whether there will be a closing of schools/system.  If schools/system are closed, this will be posted on the school board website and parents/staff will receive an email from administration.

Buses are not designed like passenger vehicles. Following several tests under the supervision of Transport Canada, it was determined that seat belt usage resulted in injuries of greater severity.

For more information, visit the Canada Safety Council site.

All drivers are required to follow and keep their First Aid Certificate active. They also are all trained to use the Epipen device. All buses are all equipped with two-way radios with a dispatch service able to contact Emergency services.