Commissioner's Profile
Eric Bender
Electoral Division 10
Margaret Manson Elementary ● St. Anthony Elementary
Committee Membership
Audit – Vice Chair ● Director General Evaluation – Member ● Executive – Chair ● Governance & Ethics – Member ● International – Vice Chair ● Long-Term Planning – Member
External Committee Membership
Pearson Educational Foundation – Representative ● QESBA (Quebec English School Boards Association) – Director on the Board of Directors
514-952-7225 (cell)
It’s a great honour for me to represent the residents of Ward 10 of the LBPSB on the Council of Commissioners. Ward 10, the area in which I have lived for over 40 years, consists of Kirkland Northwest, Pierrefonds West, Senneville and Ste. Anne de Bellevue North. I am a retired John Abbott College administrator having spent 35 years employed at the school board and cégep levels in Quebec – experience I try to put to good use in the decision-making process on Council. In addition, I taught for a decade in the Library Studies program at Concordia University and have served as an elected Commissioner at the former Lakeshore School Board and the LBPSB for over 25 years. My colleagues have elected me as chair of the LBPSB Executive Committee for our current mandate.
Our children are both graduates of LBPSB elementary and high schools and my wife and I are very proud of our 7 grandchildren who are all currently enrolled in or have graduated from LBPSB schools from LaSalle to Hudson – they certainly help keep me up-to-date (and on my toes!) about many of the exciting innovations underway in our schools today. Like all my colleagues on the Council of Commissioners, I am firmly committed to a public education system overseen by locally-elected commissioners and to maintaining the excellence of the variety of programs and services offered through our LBPSB schools and centres. Our low dropout rate and the consistently high level of performance achieved in all subjects by our students are a tribute to the excellent quality of instruction delivered by the teachers in our classrooms as well as the dedication of everyone involved in ensuring a nuturing and caring learning environment for our students.
This is a challenging time for all of us living in the midst of a pandemic while continuing to defend the grassroots local management of our public education system with its proven record of success from those who would seek to replace it with a more centralized top-down approach.
Please feel free to contact me at your convenience should you have any concerns or suggestions for improvement.